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Week 10

After a lot of work, we got our scene prepared for our first presentation. We got our character model imported, and set her up in a pose while taking screenshots. There were a few lighting issues with some of the props that hadn't been resolved quite yet, but we ended up taking the screenshots anyway due to time constraints. The first image was created using the screenshot function, while the other three were rendered using in-engine software. We aren't sure why, but they came out much darker than expected. This was the main feedback from the presentation.

The second main part of the feedback was about our color scheme. The contrast was an issue, making it difficult to read at further distances, and being too noisy and jarring. We decided to spend the rest of that week working on a new color scheme, and consolidating all of the duplicate materials into one set of materials to clean up the scene before we made any big changes. Below is the new color palette we started with.

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