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Pre-Planning and Communications

Welcome to my Jellyfish Games Blog! A critical step of our assignment was the pre-planning and concept phases. These allowed our team to have a solid idea before we got into any production, so we wouldn't have to worry about changing ideas throughout the project. We used Trello and Codecks to keep our props and their files in order, and used Miro for our board of ideas, and gathering any reference material so we could all see it in one place.

For communicating across the project's timeline, we used Discord. For a majority of the course, we simply met and discussed in class time what goals needed to be met, however we did have around a few out of class meetings, about one or two a month. Some of the main ones were the meeting where we got together and worked on the presentation for feedback, and the first meeting we had where we spent extra time going over the prop list and working together to solidify our idea into a workable concept. This meeting was crucial, and led to us having quite the fleshed out Miro board. We frequently discussed our work in progress in our discord we created, and it allowed us to get instant feedback on any of our props that we were working on.

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